Missy size Lingerie. NEW SITE: http://www.pinterest.com/flp2748/ **It is EASIER to post here and the photos are LARGER **

STILL DROP IN STORE TO SEE THE COMPLETE CATALOG SELECTION OF 1000's of outfits in Missy & Plus Sizes ~ Yes you can "special order" from the catalog or from Pinterest.

WORD OF ADVICE: Get a pen and a piece of paper. GO TO PINTEREST. JOT DOWN your favorite lingerie by Item #, Color, Size, Price.. THEN PHONE THE ORDER IN w/mjr. cr. cd. 519.371.1215 or use the email address **we can't afford a new site with larger pictures SO PLEASE USE PINTEREST for NEW STYLES.

Please do checkCHART FOR SIZING to find your CORRECT SIZE

NEW ON PINTEREST ! MORE TO CHOOSE FROM:http://www.pinterest.com/flp2748/lingerie-missy-size/

*Sale 19.99
DG 0035
DG 0097
EM 1420
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