BMR 06
Great for accessorizing with Lil Girl Jammies! and can also be used with Lil Toddler Girl dresses! Just pick your favorite fantasy outfit and get a pair of these to match!
FOR MATCHING Baby Doll Top: please Go To: JAMMIES!
Deluxe Bum Ruffles have 7 - 10 layers of lace depending on the size. {and yes, we do SUPER DELUXE as well!}
MATERIAL : Flannel Fabric ; cotton fabric ; Satin Fabric .
TRIM: Lace
Small[28 - 34 in. waist]
Med [32 - 38 in. waist]
Lrg [36 - 42 in. waist]
ALL SIZES CUT: Please add 25% for larger size.
NOTE: Price is in Canadian Dollars which translated: US$ + Stirling Pound can ballpark price to half . Nice, eh?
Use cash converter for exact amount.