White dress: designed for Dolly, Ontario, Can.
Powder Blue Satin Gown: designed for Allison, Helena,MT.
Dolly Dress on Birthday Video Part Two
Barbie Fantasy Dress on Birthday Video Part Three
I call this procedure lattice work because it reminds me of a garden lattice fence.
It is time consuming and requires alot of patience on C.C.'s behalf yet the results are much appreciated by the customers who ask for it.
PROCEDURE: Involves having exact measurements of the piece to be latticed . Then it has to be laid out flat and the satin cord or ribbon has to be criss crossed and pinned. Once it has been checked to see that it is hanging properly the fun begins. At each criss-cross a tiny satin flower is pinned on. Then cord and flowers are all HAND SEWN onto the dress.
You can see the results on the bodice of Dollys dress and the full skirt of Allisons Gown.
Absolutely Gorgeous!!! In fact Allison had THREE flowers sewn on at each criss-cross.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: for Little Girl Dresses; Satin Formal Gowns and Wedding Gowns; Can be done
on durable materials such as satins and cottons. [not recommended: nylons and organzas.]
For a closer look at this gorgeous work be sure and buy the videos!