LA 9213
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LA 9213


Lycra CUBAN FOOT Thigh Highs.

COLOR: Nude/Black, Black/Black.


but WILL FIT as Felicia is showing you in this photo. They stretch up TALL and Felicia wears a female size 12 shoe. So that should give you something to "go by" when you buy these stockings. Remember to get a couple of pairs at least.

Buy One Pair, Run One, End Up With None!

Buy TWO Pair, End up with THREE Pair.

Run One, You End Up With TWO More !

More economical in the LONG RUN!

MODEL: Felicia. Toronto, Ontario. Canada

"Getting Ready For The Photo Shoot."

This is one of my most favorite "candid shots" of Felicia. It was taken in Bill/Charlene's photography studio in Stratford. Felicia in her own corset & stockings is getting ready for a MODEL PHOTO SHOOT for the new catalogs. I just whispered her name, S/he looked up and I caught this beautiful photo of "Natural Felicia". I love it and decided it needed recognition in the stocking section.