We wish to thank all our friends and readers for the contributions that were sent in to make this new re-print of this magazine possible. With help like yours we can go on forever!
We Love You All!" "Be Good & Play Nice" Best Wishes, Deb (aka "The Duchess")
~ Contents ~
Original "Suzy Sez!" original article written by Suzy.
Original "Introduction of Duchess Deborah" original article by Suzy.
Original "The Discovery of Fantasia Fashions" original article by Suzy.
NEW! "Dolly's Easter Adventure" by Dolly, Ontario, Can.
NEW! "Kimmie, Happy Toddler Girl" by Kimmie, Nova Scotia, Can.
NEW! "Mellissa Miller" by Deb re: Miss Mellissa, Alberta, Can.
NEW! "Little Bo Peep" Poetry by Miss Kaye, Toronto, ON, Can.
NEW! "Marcia Thomas" by Deb re: Marcia, Chicago, IL, USA
NEW! "Gloria's Daisy Dress" by Deb re: Gloria, NYC, N.Y.,USA
NEW! "How To Buy Your First Dress" by Deb.
"Helpful suggestions on how to buy your very first dream Lil Girl Dress!
Original/new photos "Dawn's Surprise Birthday Party re: Dawn, Nova Scotia,Can.
Dawn is "Our STAR Lil Girl", in catalogs plus on Birthday Video # 1 and # 2 !! My Lil Girls just LOVE Dawn in her special clothes and performing on her Birthday Videos!
Original/new photos Angelina's Surpise Birthday Party Angelina, Paris, France.
New photos of Angelina playing with Princess Elli. You won't believe the transformation from a
blue eyed blond Lil Girl, to "Princess Elli's Twin Kitten Playmate".
NEW! "Little Debbie in her fave Lil Girl Dress! Ontario, Can.
Original/new photos "What A Sissy" Short Story by one of Suzy's Kittens
NEW! Miss Kitten Suzy A Tribute to Suzie Collins.
NEW! "Turning A Bulldog Into A Kitten" Condensed Version of Suzy's Favorite Short Story
INCLUDES: An EXCLUSIVE List of "Echo Productions Pocket Novels, Suzy and I "Polished" and Reprinted together. These PUBLICATIONS can be found NO WHERE ELSE! A legacy Suzy left with me so she could Live on forevermore!
I am sure that you will be as pleased with it as I am. Its not a catalog, its a MAGAZINE WITH FANTASTIC Lil Girl PHOTOS/STORIES! (I even took all the B+W photos of the Lil Girls, and printed them in COLOR on the centrefold/back page so you can "see" the dresses and Lil Girls much better.)
WHAT MAKES IT UNIQUE! There is a PRICE SHEET/order sheet included for BOTH the dresses & the Echo Productions Novels so you CAN ORDER what you read, dream about & see!