Meet Deb
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Meet Deb


Deb Pyke, has been catering to Transvestites since 1978. She co-founded Monarch Social Club in 1988. When Monarch Social Club amalgamated with Xpressions they made Deb a Lifetime Member.

She has written articles for Tranny Guide in England and was nominated for the International Writers Award. She has also been published in Transformations and Dressing For Pleasure. She has also written three how to books to sell in the store. {Femme I,II,II}

If Deb could sum up her work with TVs it would be to say: There should be three of me, I cant keep up somedays! Deb genuinely likes TVs and has been with her lifepartner Cheryl Ann {C.C.} since 1987. Her services are ranked in the top four worldwide for catering to TVs. The fashions sell from $40 to $10,000 depending on the item, material and detail required. The higher prices are for custom cut/custom designed of course. Deb attributes her business success to the high quality of her product as well as her personal touch. "My personaility and the fact that we don't make shoddy stuff", she says. "I am not the Kmart of the TV World." There is another reason why she has done so well with her business. She explains it as "I get well paid to be deaf, dumb and stupid". In otherwords the client gets the complete privacy they want and client confidentiality is a strict ruling!

Today with the help of her Life Partner/Seamstress Cheryl Ann [C.C.] her customers come from all over the world and she is probably better known in European circles for the work she does in this tiny city. Customers have visited the store from as far away as Osaka, Japan: Australia:France: England: Botswana, Africa: Russia: and of course all the States and Canada.

Most clients only wear the clothing in private. As a result the creations that sometimes take months to even a year to create are not shared with the world's well known fashion circles. However, the fashions are "up there" and are in high demand with her clientele. Of course, each one has the "label" to prove it is a "Fantasia Fashion"!

One more little thing: Deb likes to collect POSTCARDS and PRETTY STAMPS from all over the world. What with the website she is afraid her collection will be neglected. So if you have a minute, drop Deb a pretty postcard and stamp, and say hello. She would really like to hear from you ! If you give her a return address she will most certainly send you a reply!

Mail to: Deb Pyke, Box 682, Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 5R4.Canada.