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** 2 in1 hummer
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** 2 in1 hummer
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The PERFECT portable non-vibrating Sex Toy ! BOTH Vagina & Mouth. Still,resembles the famous FleshLight ** FAR BETTER PRICE + NEW FEATURES! Noduled Love Tunnel has strategically placed nodules for AROUSAL, INTENSITY and PLEASURE!


- **can be converted to Vibrating vagina and Mouth.**We sell you a BULLET multi speed vibrator for HALF PRICE with the toy!

- Made from skin like CyberSkin. Removable Cyberskin sleeve makes it Easy to clean, and it feels so real.

-The plastic outer casing gives you a perfect grip for when thing get hot and heavy. The case cover hides everything.

- Inner Sleeve Layered with soft NODULES to give extra sensation for ultimate Climax

- Soft Mouth and Vaginal Entrance measures 7" Tunnel

- Hygienic and Easily Cleaned with warm water.

-Smooth Texture to give the most REALISTIC and ORGASMIC sensation

- Includes free sample pillow pak of lubricant

FOR BEST RESULTS ON BOTH OF THESE TOYS BE SURE AND USE A WATER BASED LUBRICANT. we recommend best brand for "boy toys" is "Non-Friction" 4 oz. $19.99 or 8 oz. $29.99.