*Lords and Ladies
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*Lords and Ladies


Arum Italicum

Italian Arum, Large Cuckoo Pint, Lord and Ladies

A beautiful three-season spectacle. Green blooms similar to jack-in-the-pulpits in early summer, followed by small clusters of orange-red berries. Arrow-shaped foliage becomes marbled and silver-veined in the fall. Add this jewel for variety in your garden.

Height: 12"

Space: 12-15"

Sun- Partial- Full Shade

BLOOM TIME: Spring-Early Summer

FALL beautiful BRIGHT ORANGE Berries

PHOTO FOR FALL: more information on pinterest: LARGER BETTER PHOTO ON PINTEREST: go to: http://www.pinterest.com/flp2748 and clik on "Plants 4 Sale"

NOTE: all parts of this plant are poisonous. do not eat the berries.

priced: $3.50 per MATURE Plant