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You can still buy JARS OF CRUSHED GARLIC

by SPECIAL ORDER: CC will crush up your favorite garlic in a 'jam jar' (250 ml) mixed with virgin olive oil. Keeps in the refrigerator for months ! One teaspoon equals 1 garlic clove. GREAT FOR COOKING... just grab the jar and add ! no cloves to peel or crush ! AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND or until we run out of garlic.

JUST COME ON IN ... you can buy all you want.PICK UP AT THE STORE, CASH ONLY.

Fantasyland, 274 8th Street East, OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO.

ORGANIC. just harvested! LOCALLY GROWN.


FRESH For Eating or Preserving. or planting. This is REAL Heirloom Garlic. Good QUALITY. Good Eating. NOT the imitation garlic sold in grocers. **which is not garlic by the way**


1. DAN's RUSSIAN Dan’s Russian comes from Dan Jason at Salt Spring Seeds. A garlic with medium heat. It has a lovely flavour and fries well.

2. PERSIAN STAR:is a unique hardneck purple stripe garlic, beautiful with a rich and spicy flavor. A beautiful and easy to peel garlic that's great for roasting.

The garlics described on this page belong to the Porcelain garlic variety. Porcelains are big, beautiful looking garlics with satiny white wrappers. They keep well, have a strong flavour, and do well under a wide variety of growing conditions. They usually have 4 to 6 large cloves with reddish brown clove skins. We highly recommend Porcelains for growing anywhere in Canada.

Note on Flavours

Please take our comments on flavour with a generous pinch of salt. The apparent strength and flavour of a strain of garlic is an individual perception. Different people under the same circumstances can have diametrically opposed views on the palatability and heat of a strain of garlic.

more information on pinterest: LARGER BETTER PHOTO ON PINTEREST: go to: http://www.pinterest.com/flp2748 and clik on "Plants 4 Sale"